
I am available to assist you with your writing project! A play, short story, biographical, grant… reach out to me: kate@wellnesswithkate.com
For plays and theatre related writing go so Theatre and Scripts
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•Grant Writing Assistance







Both a book to read and a

workbook to uncover your own


Magic is something you can only

practice by doing. You do not become magic by watching a magician.

Everyone has their own expression of magic in the world and you will 

experience your true power and joy when you find and live that uniquely

You magic.

This book offers time and activities for you to begin to know your

Personal Magic. In a way it can be two books, mine and yours. You may

read the book and ignore the participatory activities, you may come

back to the activities later. I think that doing the activities without

reading the stories behind them will mean that your magic will be of a

weaker more imitative kind.

Real magic means being able to transform what you hear, read, see into

your own voice and path. Ultimately this book is about finding Your

path, your Spirit’s quest if you like. You will have purpose, know why you

are here, and uncover the magic that is yours and only yours to do and

bring into the world. If we are to not just survive but thrive in the years

ahead we will all need to be aware of and have the courage to manifest

our Personal Magic in the world. I offer this book in the belief that it will

assist you in that quest.

Please contact me at kate@wellnesswithkate.com for more information

and to order your copy

Index Personal Magic Book


Personal magic – creativity and Shamanic ways for wellbeing

In the Hektoen International – A Journal of  Medical Humanities (2009)


Jan 2024: In US1 Worksheets Vol.68 – ‘The Touch of His Hand on my Knee’

More Poetry/Writing at: Wanderings with Kate – Substack
** A selfpublished collection out soon ** email me to be notified

Short Stories:
Spring 2024: ‘No To Another’s Sword’ The Stray Branch. Spring/Summer 2024 https://www.thestraybranch.org/
May 2022 – ‘Foaling Season’ published online in Dream Quest One https://www.dreamquestone.com/foaling-season-kate-hawkes
August 2021:  LOST, ArtsAscent Art & Literature  https://artascent.com/
Dec 2021:  COLLAPSING TIME AND SPACE  accepted into same magazine.
To find the listing go far Right column find the month/them and click on it.. For a full viewing, and for profiles of selected artists and writers, get the ArtAscent Art & Literature magazine issue.They are for sale digital or hard copy here: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/magazine/573575

I am grateful for all the encouragement from those who have heard my poetry and short stories – it inspired me to send them out into the world.
Monsoon Life        Peace Poem         Finding Thanksgiving      The Water Waits
   2016                   2014                      2017                                        2022